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asil celik web Bayiliklerimiz

Asil Çelik

Asil Çelik has been founded in 1974 and started production in 1979. Investment includes a meltshop with an EAF, rolling mills for bars, finishing lines to control surface and interior quality of the bars as well as the laboratories for the quality control. A functional organization structure has been designed, special emphasis has been given to specialization and recruitment of experienced and educated personnel in the field of quality and alloyed steel.

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Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu

In addition to this duty defined in its main statute, the authority, headquartered in Ankara, has also tasked itself with increasing the share of domestic contribution in our country's Defense Industry and producing new products for the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces. MKE Corporation, which continues its activities in line with these objectives, has pioneered many sectors such as iron and steel, chemistry and machinery manufacturing, creating an school in the development of our country's industry and assuming the role of a locomotive in our industry

As Hür Çelik, we combine our experience with technology to improve product quality
to our stakeholders.

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